Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Eyes of Love

There was a blind girl who was filled with animosity and despised the world. She didn't have many friends, just a boyfriend who loved her deeply, like no one else. She always used to say that she'd marry him if she could see him. Suddenly, one day someone donated her a pair of eyes.
And that's when she finally saw her boyfriend. She was astonished to see that her boyfriend was blind. He told her, "You can see me now, can we get married?" She replied, "And do what? We'd never be happy. I have my eye sight now, but you're still blind. It won't work out, I'm sorry."

With a tear in his eye and a smile on his face, he meekly said, "I understand. I just want you to always be happy. Take care of yourself, and my eyes."


One night a guy and a girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed & that it was time to move on.
A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket & passed her a folded note.

At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out & read it. "Without your love, I would die."

Loyalty in LOVE

Loyalty in love.
Many people who still do not fully understand the meaning of loyalty in a relationship. Many have asked why we have to keep faith, while not necessarily our lover becomes our life partner? Due to these questions that often exist during the dishonesty now, so many of the people in this earth there is disappointment and sad that they are willing to commit suicide when abandoned lover.

Loyalty is very important in a relationship, this is because we have taken the mandate and obligation of our partner to make himself just one our hearts when we take it as a lover. How sad it is when responsibility that we should take care, we didn't fulfill...? Is it the same as a lie ...? Do not give promise if we can not be fulfilled and do not overcome love if we are not able to give whole-hearted ...

Remember that, we like the wheel of life, we must not always be on top. If we play hearts of others, a time we will also be played out ... And at the time, regret no avail ... All what we do is certainly no balasanya, only time will tell ...

To keep the loyalty of human partner, you are the best. Be a man who can make partner happy without feeling tired. If you rigged, dont be sad or vengeful, keep being the best. Because you have self-respect, do not make yourself with people who are not loyal. You have to do the best for your partner to take care of themselves properly personality. They do not know how to take care of their self-esteem. Someday they will regret and will realize the good you do ...

Not important for us to know whether our spouse honest, sincere or faithful to us that we know how important God, and God will not squander what we do ... Trusts and is pleased ...

Men or women who are good only for men or women who are good ...

While the man or woman who is not good only for men who are not good ...

The choice is in your hands ...

Had men know~

Had men know ..
Had men know ..
When a woman falls in love,
the man does not necessarily have everything
but he is everything to her heart.

Had men know ..
When a woman's tears,
that does not mean she is weak,
but she was looking for strength
to continue to persevere love the guy.

Had men know ..
When a woman is upset,
indeed she can not control her feelings
but trust me, that means
she is very caring and loving woman.

Just look at a new pair of lovers, they rarely fight.
But trust their growing affection on someone,
getting too much of the disunity.

Had men know ..
When women talk a lot,
she never meant to make you musty,
but she wanted to recognize the man closer.

Had men know ..
When a woman says she wants you to change,
that does not mean she does not want to accept you as you are,
but she wants to make you better,
not for herself,
but for your future.

If guys know ..
When the girls jealous and does not trust you,
does not mean she does not love ..
but she loves you
and still think you're a small child
which still requires full attention.

Sometimes she is too worried that she is too trusting,
because you will betray the trust given.
Women instinct very strong.
He only wants the best for you.

If guys know ..
When the woman sulking,
do not say she is a pretender.
Instead, she wants to be persuaded with money
or present,
but enough with the attention
which can make women feel appreciated.

If guys know ..
When women rarely say 'i love u',
it does not mean she does not love u
but she wanted the man to feel self-love,
not just appear from the words of
but also through body language.

If guys know ..
When the woman said she miss you,
she really mean it.
When far away, your shadow will always play at the point.

If guys know ..
When the woman said the other guy is better than you,
do not believe what she said
because she just wanted to test you.
she wanted to see how far you are willing to be the best in her eyes.
Although actually it is you who are the best in hers.

As long as she is with you, believe me,
although there are still many man consider better in her eyes
but in her heart, you remain the best.

Assuming guys know ..
When women become stubborn,
she is not meant to be stubborn
but she wanted to see
the extent to which man is able to put up with her antics.

Believe me, she is very gentle heart.
If wrong way,
do not be surprised if eventually she changed her mind in a second.

If guys know ..
When the woman said,
"Please leave me!"
she did not mean ask you to go forever.
She just wants to calm his mind a little.

When she returned calmly,
believe she will find you again.
It's a sign she really loves you.
Female difficult to control herself.
she's too emotional.
But she's loves you the most
and very sensitive to change.

If guys know ..
Indeed, God created man and woman
with a distinctive difference.
But if they understand each other,
they will complement and complete.

God created woman beautiful.
In spite of her tears,
saved thousand of strength
which will make a man feel safe with her.

Although outwardly she appears weakly
but she's got its own strength
that could shake the world
and may be able to also make men become weak because of it.

So cherish the presence of a woman in your life
because she comes not with weakness only
but she also has the strength to support you
and make your life more perfect.
she who will be the career woman, wife and mother to a
child that best for you.

Trust and Loyalty


          One day there live a sweet couple husband and wife, Zamri and Wani. They leave in a simple way of life. Both of them love each others. Every single time they always been together. One day, they hired a maid from the outsider. The maid that they hired looks nice and friendly. The maid always do her jobs day and night as command.

          Zamri actually is a hot temper till one day he scold the maid because she accidently broke a plate. Zamri scolded the maid fiercely till the maid cried. Zamri said that he's gonna fired the maid because zamri scared that the maid broke anything else. The maid sadly clean the mess and leave the kitchen and go to her room.

          In the room, the maid was angry with Zamri untill she throw all of the clothes to the floor. She felt revenge through Zamri because of Zamri's words. In the couple's room, Wani tried to calm zamri down but Zamri scold Wani back.

         One afternoon when Zamri out to work, Wani and the maid are talking to each other. Wani ask for apologize for her husband rudeness. The maid accepted but not that sincere. The maid buried the pain and revenge towards Zamri. Wani slowly talk to the maid and tell the maid that Zamri wants the maid to be fired and pay less. The maid just reply a smile on her face.

        Wani felt guilty towards the maid. Suddenly the maid change the topics from sad stories to marriage. Wani was happy that the maid does not scold her. Bit by bit the maid talks about marriage and wani hears diligently. The maid give a tips on how to attract husband heart. The tips is, use a very sharpe knife and gently cut her husband beard and put under her pillow. Wani instantly got to the shop and bought a sharp knife.

        In the evening while Wani were out for shopping, her husband, Zamri came back. When Zamri open the doors, the maid suddenly approach to Zamri and said that the maid find out that Zamri's wife, Wani had been fraudulent towards Zamri and planned tonight that Wani want to kill him because she wants to find another man. Zamri were shocked and consider that as a lie. He waits and waits until bedtime.

         On the bed, Zamri was pretending to sleep to confirm either what the maid said is a lie or truth. Wani watch Zamri slowly and though that Zamri was fall asleep. She carefully bring out the sharp knife and Zamri wake up straight and snatch the knife. Zamri scold Wani and said that what the maid said is truth. Wani felt weird and suddenly she felt been stab with a knife. Zamri said that she deserve this because that she lied to Zamri. Wani groan because of the pain and said she never disloyal towards Zamri. In a state of pain Wani said that she just follow what the maid said in order to compelling Zamri. Zamri was shocked that it was a lie but it was to late. Wani had died. The maid called the village people to see what happen. Before the last breath Wani said that she love Zamri so much and she never disloyal to him. Zamri regret what he had did and listen to the maid. Zamri had lost his lovely wife.

moral of the stories, do not trust other people before you investigate and think before you did something.

-a short story from Rufee Riko

Monday, March 26, 2012

awal ashaari pun boleh laaa...

Post kali ni nak cakap pasal kehebatan dan getlenye seorang lelaki nama Awal Ashaari (artist tanah air). Mesti korang ada dengar atau baca kat surat khabar pasal hubungan Awal Ashaari dengan Scha Al yahya. Sweetkan? Tapi kali ni Awal bagi kejutan sikit dekat Scha. Bukan sikit la tapi kaw2. saksikan :)

Kita pun boleh laa bukan orang barat saja. LIVE lg :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Doa untuk mengelakkan diri daripada kezaliman lelaki. (Muslimah)

Terdapat beberapa pertanyaan tentang doa yang khusus bagi kaum wanita samada dewasa dan kanak-kanak untuk mengelakkan mereka dari terperangkap dalam situasi yang boleh membawa kepada rogol, pencabulan dan lebih dahsyat lagi deraan seks yang diakhiri dengan pembunuhan.

Maka di sini, selain doa dari hadis sohih pelindung setiap kali keluar rumah yang telah saya paparkan di artikel berkenaan Al-Marhumah Nurin Jazlin sebelum ini. Iaitu :-


Ertinya : Rasulullah s.a.w didengari berkata sesiapa yang berdoa : “Dengan nama Allah yang tiada dimudaratkan sesuatu apapun dengan namaNya samada di bumi dan di langit, dan Dialah maha mendengar dan maha mengetahui” sebanyak 3 kali, maka ia tidak ditimpa kesusahan bala dan musibah sehinggalah subuh esoknya, dan barangsiapa membacanya ketika subuh 3 kali, ia tidak ditimpa kesusahan bala dan musibah sehingga petangnya” ( Riwayat Abu Daud, 4/323 ; At-Tirmidizi, 5/465 dan Ahmad ; Tirmizi : Hasan – Teks doa berwarna Merah Syeikh Syuaib ; Hasan)

Ingin saya utarakan satu lagi doa sohih yang dibaca oleh isteri Nabi Ibrahim a.s (iaitu Siti Sarah) yang menyebabkan para lelaki zalim termasuk rajanya melarikan diri, saya sertakan sekali sumber rujukannya dari hadis Nabi s.a.w.


Ertinya : Ya Allah, jika engkau mengetahui bahawa aku beriman kepada Mu dan Rasul Mu, dan aku menjaga kehormatanku hanya untuk suamiku, maka lindungilah aku daripada dikuasai oleh orang-orang kafir dan zalim” ( Riwayat Al-Bukhari, no 2104, 2/722 ; Sunan Al-Baihaqi, 5/97; Musnad ahmad, 2/403 ; Fath Al-Bari, 6/393; Umdat Al-Qari, 12/30 ; Sohih )

Semoga ia dapat dihafaz dan di amalkan oleh semua wanita Muslimah, Cuma jangan lupa bahawa doa ini bersoifat tawassul dengan amal soleh anda, iaitu apabila diikat dengan imannya dengan Allah s.w.t dan RasulNya dan telah dijaga kehormatannya dan sudah tentu auratnya.

Justeru, seolah-olah kemaqbulan doa ini juga diikat tentang kewajiban untuk beriman dengan Allah dan rasulNya dan menutup aurat anda. Tanpanya, doa ini masih amat digalakkan untuk dilakukan, cuma jaminan seolah-olah lebih pasti bagi yang apa yang dikatanya (dalam doa ini) menepati apa yang sebenarnya penampilan fizikal anda.

Justeru, jika berbaju kebaya terbelah, baju sendat menampakkan susuk tubuh, berpakaian nipis seolah telanjang, bersolek canggih seperti artis bukan Islam..sudah tentu doa ini sahaja belum cukup mampu menjaga anda. Bukan kerana Allah s.w.t tidak mampu, tetapi Allah s.w.t tidak anggap wanita itu layak dek kerana kedegilannya sendiri.
